Getting around Honduras
Avianca ( and Aerolíneas Sosa ( operate daily services linking Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula and other principal towns. Aerolíneas Sosa runs services to the Bay Islands which connect in La Ceiba. It is not usually necessary to book these in advance.
The majority of travel within Honduras is by road. Major highways connect the main cities, but driving conditions tend to be fast and erratic and there is heavy commercial traffic.
An all-weather road exists from Tegucigalpa to San Pedro Sula, Puerto Cortés, La Ceiba and towns along the Caribbean coast, as well as to the towns around the Gulf of Fonseca in the south. Otherwise road conditions are poor.
During the rainy season, even highways may be closed due to rockslides and flooding. Travellers are advised not to drive at night as many vehicles drive without lights on, streets are badly illuminated and animals wander onto the road.
Most of the main road network consists of two lanes, although work is under way to widen major routes. Many secondary roads are unpaved.
Taxis are not metered, and run on a flat rate within the cities. For all other journeys, be sure to negotiate the fare before setting off. Tipping is not common practice.
Cycling in Honduras is uncommon for visitors and there are few places to rent a bike. Tela, La Ceiba and the Bay Islands have mountain bike rental outfits.
There are several coach companies offering short- or long-distance travel between major destinations. Prices and conditions vary from budget options to executive class coaches.
Transporte Rey Express (tel: +504 2237 8561 or 2516 2014; runs between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Diana Express (tel: +504 509 4886; runs between Tela, San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. and Hedman Alas (tel: +504 2516 2273; is an executive service that connects all the main cities and Guatemala.
All drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt. No vehicles involved in an accident can be moved until the Transit Authority arrives. You should carry identification, including your driving licence, passport copies, and your vehicle registration while driving.
There are only three railways and they are isolated, unreliable and limited. Visitors can take a trip from San Pedro Sula on a banana train, and, with some planning, to Cuero y Salado National Park on a coconut train.
Ferries operate between ports on the Pacific and Caribbean coastlines. The Roatan Ferry ( sails from La Ceiba to the Bays Islands of Roatan and Utila twice daily (journey time - 70 to 75 minutes).
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